AOSpine Newsletter
Welcome to our fourth newsletter. In this issue, we bring the most important news of the trimester that just passed and disclosure our main events and courses to the next trimester.
From June 22 to 24, 2017, the second edition of the AOSpine Latin America Regional Courses will take place in Mexico City. We prepared a new dynamic event with a course on principles, a seminar on research and two advanced courses: on Trauma and Degenerative & Deformities. The number of places are limited for each course and the early registrations will have discounts. Read more »
In February, we will be at the 12° Curso Internacional de Cirugía Reconstructiva de Columna de la SCCOT (Cartagena, Colombia) with an Advanced Seminar about degenerative cervical spine and sagittal balance. The seminar will be chaired by Fernando Alvarado (CO); David Meneses (CO); and will have as Regional Faculty Mario Taricco (BR). We are waiting your visit and participation. Find out more » In March, we will be at the XVII Congresso Brasileiro de Cirurgia Espinhal (Sao Paulo, Brazil). AOSpine Latin America is supporting this event and will be present on March 16 and 17 with a booth. We are waiting your visit. Find out more » In April, we will be at the XVI Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Coluna (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) with an Advanced Symposium specially developed to discuss how to avoid and treat complications of the degenerative lumbar spine. The program organized by Asdrubal Falavigna (BR), Luiz Vialle (BR) and Emiliano Vialle (BR) includes the following Faculty: Jean Charles Le Huec (FR); Claudio Lamartina (IT); Virginie Lafage (US); Néstor Taboada (CO); Munish C. Gupta (US); and Robert McGuire (US). We are waiting your visit and participation. Find out more »
In 2017, the Global Spine Congress heads to Milan, Italy. It will feature a unique scientific program, with parallel sessions covering a broad range of more than 40 topics. There will be abstracts submitted from all over the world. It is the ideal chance to discover all the latest technologies and hear about fascinating innovations in spine surgery. Find out more » The AOSpine Latin America Annual Report 2016, which covers the period from January 1 to December 31, 2016, outlines our performance over the past year and highlights the main results obtained. During the past year, we offered several educational activities and research opportunities. The full report is available in English.
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In September 2016, AOSpine Latin America launched a call in order to reward the best Research paper from our region that will be presented at the 2017 Global Spine Congress in Milan, Italy. The best ranked paper from Latin America, according to the congress' scientific committee review, was the "Sagittal alignment parameters in patients submitted to extreme- lateral interbody fusion (XLIFR) versus minimally invasive transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (MIS-TLIF)" with the topic "Minimally invasive spine surgery", submitted by Cristiano Magalhães Menezes. Read more »
The eighth volume of the Masters Series presents candid discussion of significant challenges faced by clinicians who treat back pain. Luiz Roberto Vialle is the editor of this volume, and Jeffrey C. Wang and Claudio Lamartina are guest editors. The text covers the full age spectrum—from childhood to older adulthood - and contributing factors such as the sacroiliac joints, genetics, and spine infections. Read more »
The research project "Acute Type-II Odontoid Fracture (T-IIOF) in Latin America" had its article published in the Word Neurosurgery in February. The idea of the study was to evaluate the determining factors for surgeons making decision in the treatment of T-IIOF and its outcome in Latin America.

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Mexico elects a new Chair and Colombia a new Chair and a new Education Ortho. The entire election process was conducted according to the criteria and requirements of the AOSpine Template of Governance.

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Educational Activities
24 Seminario Avanzado AOSpine Transcongreso SCCOT—
Patología cervical degenerativa y balance sagital
10-11 AOSpine Advanced Level Live Tissue Course—
Updates on interbody fusion
11 Curso Online Avanzado AOSpine—Módulo I Online
18 Seminário de Princípios AOSpine Hospital Based—
Patologia degenerativa da coluna vertebral
24-25 Seminario Avanzado AOSpine—Trauma Habana
28 Webinar Avanzado AOSpine—Cirugía mínimamente
invasiva en columna lombar
31-01 Seminario Avanzado AOSpine Cirugía en Vivo—Tips de técnicas
de cirugía mínimamente invasiva de columna lumbar
07-08 Simposio Avanzado AOSpine—Columna cervical Santiago
19 Simpósio Avançado AOSpine Pré-Congresso CBC—
Coluna Degenerativa: Evitando e tratando complicações
Rio de Janeiro
21-22 Seminario Avanzado AOSpine—Deformidad Lima
29 Curso Online Avanzado AOSpine–Módulo II Online
03-06 Global Spine Congress Milan
09 Webinar Avanzado AOSpine—Escoliosis degenerativa (de novo) Online
12 Simposio Online Avanzado AOSpine—Trauma toracolumbar Online
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AOSpine Regional Courses 2017
Av. Silva Jardim, 2042. Cj 1505. CEP 80250-200 . Curitiba, Brasil
T +55 41 3016 4491 | [email protected] |