AOSpine Newsletter
Welcome to our sixth newsletter. In this issue, we bring the most important news of the trimester that just passed and disclosure our main events and courses to the next trimester.
The course brought together spinal surgeons from different countries of Latin America who shared their experiences and skills with a selected group of international and local Faculty through clinical cases, lectures, and discussions. Read more »
Led by experienced Faculty, the course will provide access to the latest cutting edge techniques used in minimally invasive spinal surgery. Read more »
All voting members of AOSpine in those two countries democratically elected the new members. AOSpine Latin America is pleased to announce the results of the Country Council elections in Peru and Chile. Read more »
A collaboration of AOSpine Latin America and AOSpine North America is a unique opportunity to practice workflows and techniques. Read more »
The AOSpine Latin America Fellowship 2018 program was launched in April and the applications are open until October. Apply now!

Check our guidelines to know more about it: Portuguese | Spanish
Published eight times a year, the journal is essential reading for all researchers and clinicians specializing in the spine.

Global Spine Journal (GSJ) is AOSpine’s official journal. It is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study and treatment of spinal disorders, including diagnosis, operative and non-operative treatment options, surgical techniques, and emerging research and clinical developments. GSJ is currently taking new Original Research and Review submissions right now:

GSJ’s new submission site
GSJ’s online site (here you can read all
  issues as well as the OnlineFirst content).

In April, was published a special issue on Rare Complications in Cervical Spine Surgery lead by GSJ Deputy Editor Daniel Riew. This issue features 21 articles all devoted to this one topic. This issue can be read online. GSJ also has a new special issue coming out lead by GSJ’s Deputy Editor and AOSpine North America Past Chair, Michael Fehlings.
This Special Issue will be “Guidelines for the Management of Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury and Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy”.

GSJ has had a lot of exciting changes in the past year, but the biggest change has been a publishing switch. In January, GSJ switched publishers to SAGE Publications. With this switch came some new changes including a new submission system and a new website, which is more user-friendly, intuitive, and optimized for all smart phones, computers and tablets. It remains an Open Access journal, which means that all content can be downloaded and read by anyone without a subscription to the journal. It also means that all articles can be published “OnlineFirst”.

The AOSpine members benefits includes a printed copy of the journal in the mail (it is necessary to opt-in to receive it on your AOSpine profile) and the Open Access Fee (for GSJ it is currently $1,500) is waived for all accepted papers where at least one author is listed as an AOSpine member.
Educational Activities
24-25 Aug Simposio Avanzado AOSpine—Complicaciones
en cirugía de columna vertebral
La Paz
26 Aug Seminário de Princípios AOSpine Hospital Based—
Traumatismos da coluna vertebral
29 Aug Webinar Avanzado AOSpine—Fracturas de columna
cervical alta
31 Aug Seminario de Principios AOSpine para Residentes—
Sindromes de columna
01-02 Sep Seminario Avanzado AOSpine—Trauma San Pedro de Sula
09 Sep Curso Online Avanzado AOSpine—Módulo V Online
15-16 Sep Seminario Avanzado AOSpine—Cirugía de columna vertebral Maturin
22-23 Sep Simposio Avanzado AOSpine—Técnicas quirúrgicas minimamente invasivas y actualización en trauma toracolumbar Buenos Aires
23 Sep Seminario Avanzado AOSpine—Patologías degenerativas
de la columna lumbar: Fusiones lumbosacras y sacroileitis
Santo Domingo
29 Sep Simposio Online Avanzado AOSpine—Cervicalgia y cervicobraquialgia Online
30 Sep Seminario de Principios AOSpine Hospital Based—
Fracturas cervicales y toracolumbares
06-07 Oct Seminario Avanzado AOSpine—Columna Degenerativa MIS Ciudad de Panama
07 Oct Seminário de Princípios AOSpine Hospital Based—
Patologia degenerativa da coluna
08 Oct
/ 25 Nov
Curso Online AOSpine—Acceso a la Información:
búsqueda en base de datos II
10 Oct Webinar Avanzado AOSpine—Mielopatía cervical
por patología degenerativa
12 Oct Seminario Avançado AOSpine Pré-Congresso CBAN 2017 Sao Paulo
25-26 Oct Simposio Avanzado AOSpine Transcongreso FEMECOT San Luis Potosi
03-04 Nov Simposio Avanzado AOSpine—Deformidades del
adolescente y el adulto
09 Nov Seminario Avanzado AOSpine Transcongresso SVCOT—IMG Caracas
10-11 Nov Seminario Avanzado AOSpine Transcongreso Neuropinamar Mar del Plata
10-11 Nov Spine Camp—MIS Personal training clinic San Juan
10 Nov Seminario de Principios AOSpine Hospital Based—Residentes Buenos Aires
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AOSpine Membership
Av. Silva Jardim, 2042. Cj 1505. CEP 80250-200 . Curitiba, Brasil
T +55 41 3016 4491 | [email protected] |